As you have watched your parents age, you likely planned to step in and be of assistance when that time came. But, if you do not reside in the same town, or you have your own family to raise or have a job, you might not have the ability to support them as much as you had hoped. If your family member also has developed Alzheimer’s disease, they might require more specialized care than it is possible for you to provide. At the recognized home care services of Partners for Home, most adult children come to us to inquire about Alzheimer’s care and, especially, how they will know when to get the care started.

Questions to Ask if You Might Require Alzheimer’s Care for a Family Member

Only you, your family member, and the remainder of your family — with the support of health professionals — may make the end decision about Alzheimer’s care, yet we would like to offer some resources to assist you in getting there. To begin with, we have compiled some key questions you should consider:

  • What’s your family member’s current quality of life? – Think about whether your family member seems well-fed, healthy, socially active, comfortable, as well as generally content with life. If the answer is no to any of those, which types of support might help them? Alzheimer’s care from Partners for Home may include several services from medication reminders to meal prep to a steady source of companionship.
  • If you are offering some type of care, how are you emotionally and physically coping? – Caregiving may be physically demanding and stressful work, even when you are doing it for someone you adore. It is better to speak with an Alzheimer’s care provider before any cracks begin to show, so you know there is back up when and if you need it. Remember that your family member might require more hands-on assistance if their dementia gets worse.
  • Do you believe your family member is safe where they live? – Even with whatever care you and other family members are able to provide, do you feel at ease having knowledge that your parents are at home by themselves, or do you worry about them neglecting themselves in some way or wandering off? If there are any doubts, it might be worth your time to raise them with an Alzheimer’s care provider from Partners for Home.

Start with Our Home Care Services in Winnipeg

In order to ask more specific questions concerning Alzheimer’s care or learn more information about what it might look like for your family member, call Partners for Home right away to set up a complimentary in-home consultation.

At Partners for Home, we have the experience, vision and dedication to quality and will use our personal expertise to assist in guiding you and your loved ones to allow you and your family members to stay at home. Our staff looks forward to talking with you concerning how we may become your trusted Home Care Partners