The Importance Of Socialization In Aging

We all know how vital it is to take care of our bodies and our brains as we age. But we often forget how essential our social needs are, too. The health benefits of socialization for older adults cannot be understated; it promotes physical, emotional, and mental...

How To Communicate To Parents With Dementia

Dementia is a progressive disease that results in the loss of cognitive functioning - things like reasoning, remembering, and thinking. Having a parent with dementia can make communication difficult. It’s hard to watch a loved one slowly forget themselves and their...

Coronavirus Safety And Readiness Tips

The outbreak of coronavirus disease has been declared a global pandemic and a Public Health Emergency of international concern. Although a lot is still unknown about the virus, we do know that transmission occurs when one comes into direct contact with respiratory...

COVID-19 – Additional Precautions

Dear Clients and Employees:   Partners for Home’s current Pandemic Position is included below. As more facts become available, our Pandemic Plan can be expected to evolve. Our ultimate goal is to:   - Create a safe working environment for Employees and...

Top Qualities To Look For In A Good Caregiver

Truth is, it takes a very special kind of a person to be a caregiver. Caregivers do much more than just attend to the needs of their patients. They nurture, they listen, they affirm, they provide companionship, and much more. If your senior loved one or a sick family...

Helping Seniors Overcome Resistance To Care

There are various reasons seniors resist care. They might feel that accepting a hand means loss of independence and control.  They may also resist because they don’t want to be a burden to anyone. In reality though, in the golden years, an aging person's body becomes...