When you’re young, it’s easier to find outlets where you can socialize with people. You see others regularly at school, work, and social events like concerts and parties. But less and less of your time is spent at these types of gatherings when you get older. As a senior, being social isn’t as easy as it used to be. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, governments have advised citizens to maintain physical distancing and limit their contact to household members, only. Older adults are at higher risk of dying from the disease, which means that they need to be extra cautious. But this comes with risks of its own:


Loneliness can have serious consequences for aging adults. A study discovered that aging adults who are not social are at a 59% higher risk of mental and physical decline. It leads to depression, anxiety, and health issues – which is not how one wants to experience their golden years. Luckily, there are ways for seniors to remain social even during times of physical distancing. Fight off loneliness with these safe ways of communicating:


Call a friend

Hearing the voice of someone we love can do a lot to lift our spirits. When seniors feel lonely, talking to a close friend or family member can relieve their minds of this stressful emotion. Add loved ones to “speed dial” so that older adults don’t need to remember phone numbers. Family members can arrange to call their aging relatives once a day to socialize and check on their well-being. 


Use video chat services

The whole world has become reliant on video chat services, like Zoom, to hold work meetings, classes, and social gatherings. If you have a senior parent or friend who is lonely, set them up an account on one of these platforms. Show them how to use the program so that technology won’t be a barrier. It’s challenging for older adults not to see their families during holidays and other life events. With the help of video chat services, they can speak to and see their loved ones safely.


Arrange an outdoor meet-up

As long as the recommended physical distance is maintained, seniors can meet with acquaintances outdoors to see them face-to-face. It’s advisable to wear a mask to prevent any potential spread of COVID-19. If the older adult is physically able, they can go on a walk with their friend and get some exercise, too.


Write a letter

Maybe instant messaging isn’t your thing – in that case, write a letter. It’s a no-contact way of getting a personal message across to a loved one. Since people rarely take the time to scribe a handwritten letter these days, the gesture will surprise and impress your friend. Encourage them to write a response back, and soon you’ll have your very own pen pal.


Set up home care

One way to be social as a senior and receive the necessary care is through private home care in Winnipeg. A home care assistant can help with shopping, household chores, meal prep, and socializing. At Partners for Home, we put your needs first. Contact us today to learn about our personalized home care services and get matched up with one of our experienced caretakers.